Violet-Shrinking and Billie Bee
In the medieval herb garden live Violet-Shrinking and Billie Bee. Together they have all kinds of adventures and you can join them!
Violet and Billie and the fairy chairs
The herbs in 'Violet and Billie and the fairy chairs'
Marigold is called "Calendula" in Latin, which means "little clock" or "calendar. Marigold is both: first of all, you can tell from the flowers whether it is already late because they close when it gets dark. Furthermore, marigold usually blooms at the beginning of a new moon, making it almost a calendar.
Under its Latin name, marigold is widely used, as in the past, in salves and creams for your skin: calendula ointment. It helps against inflammation and makes your skin heal more easily.
Like the marigold, chamomile is still widely used. The scent calms and if you put the flowers in a steam bath, you can sleep very well.
The Latin name Matricaria comes from "mater," the word for mother. That's because it was always widely used by mothers for sick children. For example, the steam bath also helps against colds. If you have a fever, cramps or abdominal pain, it is a good idea to drink chamomile tea. Chamomile works best if you pick it in full afternoon sun.
Foxglove is very toxic, so it was actually not used in the Middle Ages. Later, a very small amount of the poisonous substance was actually found to be good for people with heart problems. Meanwhile, that substance is made in a laboratory.
It does come with a nice story: the flowers of the herb are said to be chairs for fairies. Flying makes you tired, and the foxglove is a good place to rest. To thank the plant, the fairies would have given the flowers magical powers. Animals, especially foxes, who wear the flowers as gloves, can talk to each other without making a sound. How fun is that?
Upcoming activities
Ar Keltia
2 februari 2025
Kom naar Kasteel Radboud en laat je betoveren door de muziek van Ar Keltia! Deze folkband brengt een vernieuwd programma met een frisse bezetting. Ar Keltia neemt je mee op een muzikale reis door Ierland, Bretagne en Galicië. Luister naar opzwepende reels en jigs of laat je raken door de melancholie van oude liederen. De band gebruikt bijzondere instrumenten zoals de Keltische harp, fluiten, klarinet, accordeon, ukulele en de bodhran.Geniet van een sfeervolle middag in de unieke ambiance van een middeleeuwse kasteel.Entree: € 10,- p.p. Kaarten zijn te reserveren via of aan de deur. Let op: Vol=vol!
Owl Workshop Spring Break
19 februari 2025
Kom in de Voorjaarsvakantie naar de Uilenworkshop door huisvalkenier Birdlive. Ontmoet de uilen in het echt in de Ridderzaal van Kasteel Radboud. De valkenier vertelt je alles wat je wil weten over deze bijzondere roofvogels. De Uilenworkshop wordt gegeven op woensdag 19 februari. Het aantal plaatsen is beperkt, dus reserveer snel je tickets!Let op: de minimum leeftijd voor deelname is 6 jaar.
Spring crafts Thursday
20 februari 2025
Jaaaa vakantie! Kom je gezellig knutselen? In de Ridderzaal staat alles weer voor je klaar deze voorjaarsvakantie. Hoe leuk is dat? Je kunt komen knutselen op donderdag 20 en vrijdag 21 februari.PS Knutselen is inbegrepen bij het museumbezoek.
The castle and its history. A fine place where you lose track of time. Check out the vacation activities! The Owl workshop today was fantastic!!!
- Berna Meijer
For ages I had planned to have a look and finally it came. Beautiful castle to wander around for a while and to enjoy the view from the battlements. Drank an excellent cappuccino in the museum café. Nice people who went out of their way to make my visit as pleasant as possible.
- Petra Vervoort