Our guide to the exhibition Power of Herbs (1) is Lobbrecht Aerntsdochter, one of the first residents of the Mariaconvent in Medemblik. She is responsible for the herb garden there. Her garden is the basis for the herb garden of Radboud Castle.


Lobbrecht's passion: religion and spices

Lobbrecht is very religious and has known from an early age that she wants to enter the monastery. That's not as easy as you might think. In her day you find mostly nobles there. Unwanted or troublesome types, such as younger sons and daughters who could not be worn out, were often parked in a convent by their male relatives. Of course with a nice donation as motivation.

Lobbrecht is not of nobility nor does she have any possessions to donate to the convent. As a result, she really has nowhere to turn. Until, in the late 14th century, a movement arose to regulate this for people like her: the Modern Devotion.


Convent: monastery for the common man and woman

The Modern Devotion establishes houses of brothers and sisters. Their members do not have to bring money or take vows, but they live by the monastic rules. The convents are born.

Medemblik also got one and Lobbrecht could not wait. When the Mariaconvent opens in 1395, Lobbrecht is eager for the gate. Now she could finally devote her life to her faith, and to her herbs.


Without Cruydt-Boeck no herbalist

Like any good herbalist, Lobbrecht keeps a "Cruydt-Boeck," a guidebook with the descriptions of the various plants. What they are called, what they are good or bad for, and how to use them, it's all in there.

Herbal scriptures are living books, ever expanding. Some last for generations.


More Lobbrecht

You'll find Lobbrecht's book in our Power of Herbs exhibit. The herbs themselves are in the medieval herb garden in the castle grounds.

Here you can download the Cruydt-Boeck of Lobbrecht

Learn more about our medieval herb garden here

(1) Our Power of Herbs exhibit will be on display from June 1 to October 1, 2021.